Freitag, 10. Februar 2012

-Sneek- уυυѕ/ηυυѕ -Sneek-

Whoop whoop :o The greatest Tool for Childs & Parents. <3

Carry your children, Includes a hip carry and a carry where you hold them against your chest. You can hold 2 Kids on the left & right arm. :) 
Dress your children in outfits and change their clothes.
Sit them automatically on nearby objects. ( I must often sit on nearby objects :( My Mum is basely :D )
Hold their hand and keep them close to you, useful when at stores when you can't pick them up due to no-rez areas, or in clubs :P
TP them automatically. ( Maybe if they were evil & not want to go home. )
Give them a REAL timeout. Timeout prevents editing, rezzing, opening inventory, tping, etc. In a rez area, it rezzes a ball to sit them on, forces them into mouselook, they must stay in mouselook and facing forward for their timeout to end. Looking around or getting out of mouselook alerts local chat, and starts adding time, standing up adds 60 seconds and sits them back down. Most effective timeout ever! 
Sit them down and prevent them from moving around when you need a break or they need to sit still
Put soap in their mouth for saying things they shouldn't! Also prevents them from talking while the soap is in. (uuuuuuuuurgh .. its not taste like a lollipop :/ )
Cover their ears and ACTUALLY prevent them from seeing local chat! (it shows as "..." to them) 
Put a binky in their mouth that prevents them from talking while in, and only YOU can remove it! ( includes with the yuus/nuus package)
Cover their eyes! ACTUALLY works!! The wearers screen will be filled with black when their eyes are covered. (My Dad loves it -.-  )
Stand the child up if they're sitting on something. 
Ability to ground your child to a certain area, e.g., 25meters from the point they are when you ground them, for 24 hours, blocking them from teleporting, and teleporting them back if they leave that range, with optional notify when they are teleported back for leaving! 
Stories, candy, stickers, hugs, and MUCH more is included in this item and more are REGULARLY added in updates!

My Conclusion: I love Yuus/Nuus. Parents can do much with Yuus/Nuus. As a child avatar I never want to be without.
Thanks to Christopher Kanik that I write about  Yuus/Nuus a review. I hope it help you to decision to buy Yuus. :)

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